GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Data Fields

The class data structure for a menu-only plugin. More...

#include <gnc-plugin.h>

Data Fields

GObjectClass gobject
 The parent class for this widget. More...
const gchar * plugin_name
 The textual name of this plugin. More...
const gchar * actions_name
 A name for the set of actions that will be added by this plugin. More...
GActionEntry * actions
 An array of actions that should automatically be added to any GnuCash "main" content window that is opened. More...
guint n_actions
 The number of actions in the actions array. More...
const gchar ** ui_updates
 An array of ui updates for the menu model.
const gchar * ui_filename
 The relative name of the XML file describing the menu/toolbar action items. More...
void(* add_to_window )(GncPlugin *plugin, GncMainWindow *window, GQuark type)
 A callback that will be invoked when this plugin is added to a window. More...
void(* remove_from_window )(GncPlugin *plugin, GncMainWindow *window, GQuark type)
 A callback that will be invoked when this plugin is removed from a window. More...

Detailed Description

The class data structure for a menu-only plugin.

Definition at line 96 of file gnc-plugin.h.

Field Documentation

◆ actions

GActionEntry* _GncPluginClass::actions

An array of actions that should automatically be added to any GnuCash "main" content window that is opened.

Definition at line 111 of file gnc-plugin.h.

◆ actions_name

const gchar* _GncPluginClass::actions_name

A name for the set of actions that will be added by this plugin.

The actual name is irrelevant, as long as it is unique within GnuCash.

Definition at line 108 of file gnc-plugin.h.

◆ add_to_window

void(* _GncPluginClass::add_to_window) (GncPlugin *plugin, GncMainWindow *window, GQuark type)

A callback that will be invoked when this plugin is added to a window.

This allows the plugin to perform any special actions at insertion time.

user_dataA pointer to the this GncPlugin data structure.
windowA pointer to the window in which this plugin has just been installed.
typeAn identifier for the type of window specified. Currently the only type is a "main" content window.

Definition at line 138 of file gnc-plugin.h.

◆ gobject

GObjectClass _GncPluginClass::gobject

The parent class for this widget.

Definition at line 99 of file gnc-plugin.h.

◆ n_actions

guint _GncPluginClass::n_actions

The number of actions in the actions array.

Definition at line 113 of file gnc-plugin.h.

◆ plugin_name

const gchar* _GncPluginClass::plugin_name

The textual name of this plugin.

Definition at line 101 of file gnc-plugin.h.

◆ remove_from_window

void(* _GncPluginClass::remove_from_window) (GncPlugin *plugin, GncMainWindow *window, GQuark type)

A callback that will be invoked when this plugin is removed from a window.

This allows the plugin to perform any special actions at removal time.

user_dataA pointer to the this GncPlugin data structure.
windowA pointer to the window from which this plugin is about to be removed.
typeAn identifier for the type of window specified. Currently the only type is a "main" content window.

Definition at line 154 of file gnc-plugin.h.

◆ ui_filename

const gchar* _GncPluginClass::ui_filename

The relative name of the XML file describing the menu/toolbar action items.

Definition at line 120 of file gnc-plugin.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: