GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Data Structures | Macros | Functions

Functions for adding plugins to a GnuCash window. More...

#include "gnc-main-window.h"
#include "gnc-plugin-page.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _GncPluginClass
 The class data structure for a menu-only plugin. More...
struct  action_toolbar_labels
 A structure for defining alternate action names for use in the toolbar. More...


#define GNC_TYPE_PLUGIN   (gnc_plugin_get_type ())
#define GNC_PLUGIN_NAME   "GncPlugin"


void gnc_plugin_add_to_window (GncPlugin *plugin, GncMainWindow *window, GQuark type)
 Add the specified plugin from the specified window. More...
void gnc_plugin_remove_from_window (GncPlugin *plugin, GncMainWindow *window, GQuark type)
 Remove the specified plugin from the specified window. More...
const gchar * gnc_plugin_get_name (GncPlugin *plugin)
 Retrieve the textual name of a plugin. More...
void gnc_plugin_init_short_names (GtkWidget *toolbar, GncToolBarShortNames *toolbar_labels)
 Add "short" labels to existing actions. More...
void gnc_plugin_set_actions_enabled (GActionMap *action_map, const gchar **action_names, gboolean enable)
 This function sets the sensitivity of a GAction in a specific group. More...
void gnc_plugin_add_menu_tooltip_callbacks (GtkWidget *menubar, GMenuModel *menubar_model, GtkWidget *statusbar)
 This function adds the tooltip callbacks to make the tooltips appear in the status bar. More...
void gnc_plugin_add_toolbar_tooltip_callbacks (GtkWidget *toolbar, GtkWidget *statusbar)
 This function adds the tooltip callbacks to make the tooltips appear in the status bar. More...

Detailed Description

Functions for adding plugins to a GnuCash window.

Copyright (C) 2003 Jan Arne Petersen
Copyright (C) 2003,2005 David Hampton

A GncPlugin is the basic object for adding a menu item or items to the GnuCash user interface. This object should be instantiated once at startup time and passed to the plugin manager. Whenever a new window is opened, the main window code will ask the plugin manager for a list of all plugins, and will add each plugin to the new window by calling the gnc_plugin_add_to_window function. This function handles installing the plugin's actions, and then calls the plugin to allow it to perform any plugin specific actions. When a main window is closed, the gnc_plugin_remove_from_window function is called, which first calls the plugin to perform plugin specific actions and then removes the plugin's actions from the window.

Definition in file gnc-plugin.h.