GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Public Member Functions

Holds all of the options for a book, report, or stylesheet, organized by GncOptionSections. More...

#include <gnc-optiondb-impl.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 GncOptionDB (QofBook *book)
void foreach_section (std::function< void(GncOptionSectionPtr &)> func)
void foreach_section (std::function< void(const GncOptionSectionPtr &)> func) const
size_t num_sections () const noexcept
bool get_changed () const noexcept
void register_option (const char *section, GncOption &&option)
void register_option (const char *section, GncOption *option)
void unregister_option (const char *section, const char *name)
void set_default_section (const char *section)
const GncOptionSection *const get_default_section () const noexcept
std::string lookup_string_option (const char *section, const char *name)
bool set_string_option (const char *section, const char *name, const std::string &value)
template<typename ValueType >
bool set_option (const char *section, const char *name, ValueType value)
void make_internal (const char *section, const char *name)
void commit ()
GncOptionSectionfind_section (const std::string &sectname)
const GncOptionSectionfind_section (const std::string &sectname) const
GncOptionfind_option (const std::string &section, const char *name)
const GncOptionfind_option (const std::string &section, const char *name) const
std::ostream & save_to_key_value (std::ostream &oss) const noexcept
std::istream & load_from_key_value (std::istream &iss)
void save_to_kvp (QofBook *book, bool clear_book) const noexcept
void load_from_kvp (QofBook *book) noexcept
std::ostream & save_option_key_value (std::ostream &oss, const std::string &section, const std::string &name) const noexcept
std::istream & load_option_key_value (std::istream &iss)
size_t register_callback (GncOptionDBChangeCallback, void *)
void unregister_callback (size_t)
void run_callbacks ()

Detailed Description

Holds all of the options for a book, report, or stylesheet, organized by GncOptionSections.

Definition at line 107 of file gnc-optiondb-impl.hpp.

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