GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+

the Core Object Registration/Lookup Private Interface More...

#include "qofbook.h"
#include "qofobject.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void qof_object_book_begin (QofBook *book)
 To be called from within the book.
void qof_object_book_end (QofBook *book)
gboolean qof_object_is_dirty (const QofBook *book)
void qof_object_mark_clean (QofBook *book)
gboolean qof_object_compliance (QofIdTypeConst type_name, gboolean warn)
 check an object can be created and supports iteration More...

Detailed Description

the Core Object Registration/Lookup Private Interface

Copyright (c) 2001,2002, Derek Atkins warlo.nosp@m.rd@M.nosp@m.IT.ED.nosp@m.U

Definition in file qofobject-p.h.