GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Data Structures | Macros | Functions
gnc-window.h File Reference

Functions that are supported by all types of windows. More...

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "gnc-plugin-page.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _GncWindowInterface


#define GNC_TYPE_WINDOW   (gnc_window_get_type ())


GtkWindow * gnc_window_get_gtk_window (GncWindow *window)
void gnc_window_update_status (GncWindow *window, GncPluginPage *page)
void gnc_window_set_status (GncWindow *window, GncPluginPage *page, const gchar *message)
void gnc_window_set_progressbar_window (GncWindow *window)
GncWindow * gnc_window_get_progressbar_window (void)
GtkWidget * gnc_window_get_progressbar (GncWindow *window)
void gnc_window_show_progress (const char *message, double percentage)
GtkWidget * gnc_window_get_menubar (GncWindow *window)
GtkWidget * gnc_window_get_toolbar (GncWindow *window)
GtkWidget * gnc_window_get_statusbar (GncWindow *window)
GMenuModel * gnc_window_get_menubar_model (GncWindow *window)
GtkAccelGroup * gnc_window_get_accel_group (GncWindow *window)

Detailed Description

Functions that are supported by all types of windows.

Copyright (C) 2003 Jan Arne Petersen
Copyright (C) 2003 David Hampton

GnuCash has two types of "windows" that can show Plugin Pages. The first is called a "Main Window" and is implemented on top of a GtkWindow. The second is called an "Embedded Window" and is implemented on top of a GtkBox. The functions in this file will work with either type of window.

Definition in file gnc-window.h.