GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
gnc-ui-util.h File Reference

utility functions for the GnuCash UI More...

#include <glib.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "Account.h"
#include "gncOwner.h"
#include "qof.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  GNCPrintAmountInfo


#define GNC_PREFS_GROUP_EXPORT   "dialogs.export-accounts"
#define GNC_PREF_AUTO_DECIMAL_POINT   "auto-decimal-point"
#define GNC_PREF_AUTO_DECIMAL_PLACES   "auto-decimal-places"
#define WLINK   'w'
#define FLINK   'f'


typedef QofSession *(* QofSessionCB) (void)




char * gnc_normalize_account_separator (const char *separator)
gboolean gnc_reverse_balance (const Account *account)
void gnc_set_use_equity_type_opening_balance_account (QofBook *book)
gboolean gnc_using_equity_type_opening_balance_account (QofBook *book)
char * gnc_get_default_directory (const char *section)
void gnc_set_default_directory (const char *section, const char *directory)
QofBook * gnc_get_current_book (void)
gboolean gnc_is_new_book (void)
void gnc_set_current_book_tax_name_type (gboolean name_changed, const char *tax_name, gboolean type_changed, const char *tax_type)
const char * gnc_get_current_book_tax_name (void)
const char * gnc_get_current_book_tax_type (void)
void gnc_book_option_num_field_source_change_cb (gboolean num_action)
 Calls gnc_book_option_num_field_source_change to initiate registered callbacks when num_field_source book option changes so that registers/reports can update themselves; sets feature flag.
Accountgnc_get_current_root_account (void)
gnc_commodity_table * gnc_get_current_commodities (void)
char * gnc_get_account_name_for_register (const Account *account)
 Get either the full name of the account or the simple name, depending on the configuration parameter general/register/show_leaf_account_names. More...
Accountgnc_account_lookup_for_register (const Account *base_account, const char *name)
 Retrieve the account matching the given name starting from the descendants of base_account. More...
char * gnc_get_account_name_for_split_register (const Account *account, gboolean show_leaf_accounts)
 Get either the full name of the account or the simple name, depending on the show_leaf_accounts. More...
const char * gnc_get_reconcile_str (char reconciled_flag)
const char * gnc_get_reconcile_valid_flags (void)
const char * gnc_get_reconcile_flag_order (void)
const char * gnc_get_doclink_valid_flags (void)
 Get a string containing documentation link valid flags. More...
const char * gnc_get_doclink_flag_order (void)
 Get a string containing document link flag order. More...
const char * gnc_get_doclink_str (char link_flag)
 Get a string representing the document link type. More...
Accountgnc_find_or_create_equity_account (Account *root, GNCEquityType equity_type, gnc_commodity *currency)
gboolean gnc_account_create_opening_balance (Account *account, gnc_numeric balance, time64 date, QofBook *book)
gnc_commodity * gnc_locale_default_currency_nodefault (void)
 Returns the default currency of the current locale, or NULL if no sensible currency could be identified from the locale. More...
gnc_commodity * gnc_locale_default_currency (void)
 Returns the default currency of the current locale. More...
gnc_commodity * gnc_default_currency (void)
 Return the default currency set by the user. More...
gnc_commodity * gnc_account_or_default_currency (const Account *account, gboolean *currency_from_account_found)
 Returns a gnc_commodity that is a currency, suitable for being a Transaction's currency. More...
gnc_commodity * gnc_default_report_currency (void)
 Return the default currency for use in reports, as set by the user. More...
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_default_print_info (gboolean use_symbol)
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_commodity_print_info (const gnc_commodity *commodity, gboolean use_symbol)
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_account_print_info (const Account *account, gboolean use_symbol)
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_split_amount_print_info (Split *split, gboolean use_symbol)
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr, gboolean use_symbol)
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_share_print_info_places (int decplaces)
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_default_share_print_info (void)
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_default_price_print_info (const gnc_commodity *curr)
GNCPrintAmountInfo gnc_integral_print_info (void)
const char * xaccPrintAmount (gnc_numeric val, GNCPrintAmountInfo info)
 Make a string representation of a gnc_numeric. More...
int xaccSPrintAmount (char *buf, gnc_numeric val, GNCPrintAmountInfo info)
 Make a string representation of a gnc_numeric. More...
const char * printable_value (gdouble val, gint denom)
char * number_to_words (gdouble val, gint64 denom)
char * numeric_to_words (gnc_numeric val)
gboolean xaccParseAmount (const char *in_str, gboolean monetary, gnc_numeric *result, char **endstr)
 Parses in_str to obtain a numeric result. More...
gboolean xaccParseAmountExtended (const char *in_str, gboolean monetary, gunichar negative_sign, gunichar decimal_point, gunichar group_separator, const char *ignore_list, gnc_numeric *result, char **endstr)
 Converts a string to a gnc_numeric. More...
gboolean xaccParseAmountImport (const char *in_str, gboolean monetary, gnc_numeric *result, char **endstr, gboolean skip)
 Similar to xaccParseAmount, but with two differences. More...
gboolean xaccParseAmountExtImport (const char *in_str, gboolean monetary, gunichar negative_sign, gunichar decimal_point, gunichar group_separator, const char *ignore_list, gnc_numeric *result, char **endstr)
 Similar to xaccParseAmountExtended, but will not automatically set a decimal point, regardless of what the user has set for this option. More...
const char * gnc_print_amount_with_bidi_ltr_isolate (gnc_numeric val, GNCPrintAmountInfo info)
 Make a string representation of a gnc_numeric. More...
char * gnc_wrap_text_with_bidi_ltr_isolate (const char *text)
 This function helps with GTK's use of 'Unicode Bidirectional Text Algorithm'. More...
void gnc_ui_util_init (void)
void gnc_ui_util_remove_registered_prefs (void)
char * gnc_filter_text_for_control_chars (const char *incoming_text)
 Returns the incoming text removed of control characters. More...
void gnc_filter_text_set_cursor_position (const char *incoming_text, const char *symbol, int *zcursor_position)
 Updates cursor_position after removal of currency symbols. More...
char * gnc_filter_text_for_currency_symbol (const char *incoming_text, const char *symbol)
 Returns the incoming text removed of a currency symbol. More...
char * gnc_filter_text_for_currency_commodity (const gnc_commodity *comm, const char *incoming_text, const char **symbol)
 Returns the incoming text removed of currency symbol. More...
gchar * gnc_list_formatter (GList *strings)
 This function takes a GList of char*, and uses locale-sensitive list formatter. More...

Detailed Description

utility functions for the GnuCash UI

Copyright (C) 2000 Dave Peticolas

Definition in file gnc-ui-util.h.