GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
gnc-tree-view-commodity.h File Reference

GtkTreeView implementation for gnucash commodity tree. More...

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "gnc-tree-view.h"
#include "gnc-commodity.h"
#include "gnc-ui-util.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define GNC_TYPE_TREE_VIEW_COMMODITY   (gnc_tree_view_commodity_get_type ())


Commodity Tree View Constructors
GtkTreeView * gnc_tree_view_commodity_new (QofBook *book, const gchar *first_property_name,...)
 Create a new commodity tree view. More...
Commodity Tree View Configuration
void gnc_tree_view_commodity_configure_columns (GncTreeViewCommodity *view, GSList *column_names)
 Configure (by name) the set of visible columns in an commodity tree view. More...
Commodity Tree View Get/Set Functions
gnc_commodity * gnc_tree_view_commodity_get_cursor_commodity (GncTreeViewCommodity *view)
 This function returns the commodity in the commodity tree view at the current location of the cursor. More...
gnc_commodity * gnc_tree_view_commodity_get_selected_commodity (GncTreeViewCommodity *view)
 This function returns the commodity associated with the selected item in the commodity tree view. More...
void gnc_tree_view_commodity_select_commodity (GncTreeViewCommodity *view, gnc_commodity *commodity)
 Select the commodity in the associated commodity tree view. More...
void gnc_tree_view_commodity_select_subcommodities (GncTreeViewCommodity *view, gnc_commodity *commodity)
 This function selects all sub-commodities of an commodity in the commodity tree view. More...

Commodity Tree View Filtering

typedef gboolean(* gnc_tree_view_commodity_ns_filter_func) (gnc_commodity_namespace *, gpointer data)
typedef gboolean(* gnc_tree_view_commodity_cm_filter_func) (gnc_commodity *, gpointer data)
void gnc_tree_view_commodity_set_filter (GncTreeViewCommodity *view, gnc_tree_view_commodity_ns_filter_func ns_func, gnc_tree_view_commodity_cm_filter_func cm_func, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify destroy)
 This function attaches a filter function to the given commodity tree. More...
void gnc_tree_view_commodity_refilter (GncTreeViewCommodity *view)
 This function forces the commodity tree filter to be evaluated. More...

Detailed Description

GtkTreeView implementation for gnucash commodity tree.

David Hampton

Definition in file gnc-tree-view-commodity.h.