GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Macros | Typedefs | Functions

All type declarations for the whole Gnucash engine. More...

#include <glib.h>
#include "qof.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 IDENTIFIERS GncGUID Identifiers can be used to reference Accounts, Transactions, Splits and other objects. More...
#define GNC_ID_ACCOUNT   "Account"
#define GNC_ID_COMMODITY   "Commodity"
#define GNC_ID_COMMODITY_NAMESPACE   "CommodityNamespace"
#define GNC_ID_COMMODITY_TABLE   "CommodityTable"
#define GNC_ID_LOT   "Lot"
#define GNC_ID_PERIOD   "Period"
#define GNC_ID_PRICE   "Price"
#define GNC_ID_PRICEDB   "PriceDB"
#define GNC_ID_SPLIT   "Split"
#define GNC_ID_BUDGET   "Budget"
#define GNC_ID_SCHEDXACTION   "SchedXaction"
#define GNC_ID_SXES   "SchedXactions"
#define GNC_ID_SXTG   "SXTGroup"
#define GNC_ID_SXTT   "SXTTrans"
#define GNC_ID_TRANS   "Trans"
#define GNC_INVOICE_ID   "gncInvoice"
 STRING CONSTANTS ********************************************** Used to declare constant KVP keys used in more than one class.
#define GNC_INVOICE_GUID   "invoice-guid"
#define GNC_OWNER_ID   "gncOwner"
#define GNC_OWNER_TYPE   "owner-type"
#define GNC_OWNER_GUID   "owner-guid"
#define GNC_SX_ID   "sched-xaction"
QofLogModule identifiers
#define GNC_MOD_ROOT   "gnc"
#define GNC_MOD_ENGINE   "gnc.engine"
#define GNC_MOD_ACCOUNT   "gnc.account"
#define GNC_MOD_SX   ""
#define GNC_MOD_QUERY   "gnc.query"
#define GNC_MOD_SCRUB   "gnc.scrub"
#define GNC_MOD_LOT   "gnc.lots"
#define GNC_MOD_COMMODITY   "gnc.commodity"
#define GNC_MOD_BACKEND   "gnc.backend"
#define GNC_MOD_PRICE   "gnc.pricedb"
#define GNC_MOD_BUSINESS   ""
#define GNC_MOD_IO   ""
#define GNC_MOD_BOOK   ""
#define GNC_MOD_GUI   "gnc.gui"
#define GNC_MOD_GUI_SX   ""
#define GNC_MOD_GUILE   "gnc.guile"
#define GNC_MOD_LEDGER   "gnc.ledger"
#define GNC_MOD_REGISTER   "gnc.register"
#define GNC_MOD_HTML   "gnc.html"
#define GNC_MOD_PREFS   "gnc.pref"
#define GNC_MOD_IMPORT   "gnc.import"
#define GNC_MOD_ASSISTANT   "gnc.assistant"
#define GNC_MOD_BUDGET   "gnc.budget"


typedef GList AccountList
 GList of Account.
typedef GList LotList
 GList of GNCLots.
typedef GList SplitList
 GList of Split.
typedef GList TransList
 GList of Transaction.
typedef GList AccountGUIDList
 GList of GUIDs of a Account.
typedef GList BookGUIDList
 GList of GUIDs of a QofBook.
typedef void(* EngineCommitErrorCallback) (gpointer data, QofBackendError errcode)
typedef gint(* SplitCallback) (Split *s, gpointer data)
typedef gint(* TransactionCallback) (Transaction *t, void *data)
typedef void(* gnc_engine_init_hook_t) (int, char **)
 Function type for init hooks in the engine. More...


void gnc_engine_init (int argc, char **argv)
void gnc_engine_init_static (int argc, char **argv)
 This is the statically linked-in version of gnc_engine_init. More...
void gnc_engine_shutdown (void)
 Called to shutdown the engine. More...
gboolean gnc_engine_is_initialized (void)
 check the engine is fully initialized
void gnc_log_default (void)
 enable default log modules
void gnc_engine_add_init_hook (gnc_engine_init_hook_t hook)
 Pass a function pointer to gnc_engine_add_init_hook and it will be called during the evaluation of gnc_engine_init.
void gnc_engine_add_commit_error_callback (EngineCommitErrorCallback cb, gpointer data)
 Set a callback function to be called in case an engine commit fails.
void gnc_engine_signal_commit_error (QofBackendError errcode)

Detailed Description

All type declarations for the whole Gnucash engine.

Copyright (C) 1997 Robin D. Clark
Copyright (C) 2000 Bill Gribble
Copyright (C) 2000 Dave Peticolas
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Linas Vepstas

Definition in file gnc-engine.h.