GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+

Utilities to Automatically Compute Capital Gains/Losses. More...

#include "gnc-engine.h"

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gnc_numeric xaccSplitGetCapGains (Split *)
 The xaccSplitGetCapGains() method returns the value of capital gains (if any) associated with the indicated split. More...
gboolean xaccAccountHasTrades (const Account *)
 The xaccAccountHasTrades() method checks to see if the indicated account is used in the trading of commodities. More...
GNCLot * xaccAccountFindEarliestOpenLot (Account *acc, gnc_numeric sign, gnc_commodity *currency)
 The xaccAccountFindEarliestOpenLot() method is a handy utility routine for finding the earliest open lot in an account whose lot balance is opposite to the passed argument 'sign'. More...
GNCLot * xaccAccountFindLatestOpenLot (Account *acc, gnc_numeric sign, gnc_commodity *currency)
Split * xaccSplitGetCapGainsSplit (const Split *)
 The xaccSplitGetCapGainsSplit() routine returns the split that records the cap gains for this split. More...
Split * xaccSplitGetGainsSourceSplit (const Split *)
 The xaccSplitGetGainsSourceSplit() routine returns the split that is the source of the cap gains in this split. More...
gboolean xaccSplitAssign (Split *split)
 The`xaccSplitAssign() routine will take the indicated split and, if it doesn't already belong to a lot, it will attempt to assign it to an appropriate lot. More...
Split * xaccSplitAssignToLot (Split *split, GNCLot *lot)
 The xaccSplitAssignToLot() routine will fit the indicated split into the indicated lot, with the goal of closing the lot, or at least bringing the lot balance closer to closure. More...
void xaccSplitComputeCapGains (Split *split, Account *gain_acc)
 The xaccSplitComputeCapGains() routine computes the cap gains or losses for the indicated split. More...
void xaccLotComputeCapGains (GNCLot *lot, Account *gain_acc)

Detailed Description

Utilities to Automatically Compute Capital Gains/Losses.

Created by Linas Vepstas August 2003
Copyright (c) 2003,2004 Linas Vepstas

Definition in file cap-gains.h.